Monday, December 19, 2011

Finally...time to post!

Last day in Changsha

Description of pics. Since I'm emailing this post I can't put the labels with the pics, sorry. ;o)

1. Breakfast with Ba ba.

2.  In the lobby with Ba ba...she would not take a picture with Mama :(
3. On the airplane to Guanzhou. Jaidyn loved the airpane and was not afraid at all. She loves the little green game and plays it all the time.
After Changsha things got harder. I was feeling bad the last 2 days and had a bad day with Jaidyn yesterday. She was not happy with me and pretty much rejecting me and showing more anger towards me. We took her to the zoo and I think it was overwhelming for her. She was more angry and did not want to hold our hands or go with us. She was yelling at us and probably saying some really bad things to us in Chinese. We could not understand her and we were getting alot of shocked and angry looks from the onlookers. We hoped for a good time of fun and bonding at the zoo but it turned out to be a huge fail! We were both embarassed and exasperated and did not know what to do.

I thought I'd call our guide and try and get her to talk to Jaidyn and see if that would help, but I did not have our guides number so I just started redialing numbers that i knew were local China numbers and finally talked to another guide. The guide helped to explain to her what we were doing and that we wanted her to hold our hands and walk wth us to see the animals. She would only hold Tim's hand and finally started to act a little better.

We went to dinner at Lucy's (in Guangzhou of course) and she was much better. She started to cry at dinner and grieved very hard. We had to call our guide Amy to talk with her an explain everything to her. She calmed down and went to sleep after that and then I cried. I just had such a sad day that was not what I hoped for.

Today was much better for us thank the Lord. She actually went to the medical clinic with me and held my hand. This was a first and I was really happy. Its the small things that make me smile :). We walked around Shamian Island for a long time today and had a very good time together. We are going to dinner at Lucy's tonight with some other families.
Please continue the prayers for our bonding and her peace with her new family.

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